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Custom Stickers Blog (Page 31 of 92)

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Welcome to the StandOut Stickers Blog (Page 31 of 92)! Here you can find news about our high quality kiss cut stickers, die cut stickers, coupons for cheap stickers and other posts about our custom vinyl stickers. But it's not all sticker talk! We also feature content and sales on custom magnets, custom floor decals and cut vinyl decals.

Circle Stickers 20% OFF!

Round up some savings with circle stickers 20% OFF this week only! Our durable, weatherproof vinyl stickers come in gloss or matte finish and are easy to design in our free online tool!

Order Circle Stickers

Use promo code CIRCLE20 and take 20% OFF

Circle Stickers 20% Off with code CIRCLE20

Last Modified: February 17th, 2020

Square Stickers 20% OFF this week!

Wow! This week only, take 20% OFF any size of square stickers with code SQUARE20. You can create square sticker designs right in your browser with our free and easy tool and get an instant digital proof when you do.

It’s never been easier to order Square Stickers at

Order Square Stickers
and take 20% OFF with code SQUARE20

Square Stickers 20% OFF

Last Modified: February 10th, 2020

20% OFF Sticker Sheets this week only!

When you want a single sheet with multiple sticker shapes that peel out, you’re looking for our custom sticker sheets! Our precise kiss cuts go through the sticker material without cutting the backing, which allows you to peel the shapes out with ease. You can add as many unique kiss cut shapes to your sheet as you’d like! Simply add more kiss cuts to your order.

Need help setting up your sticker sheet? No problem! Our friendly art team can prepare smooth vector cut paths around your artwork and send a digital proof before your sticker sheets print.

This week we are featuring our kiss cut sticker sheets with 20% OFF.

Use coupon code SHEET20 to take 20% off sticker sheets of any size.

Order Sticker Sheets

20% OFF Sticker Sheets at StandOut Stickers with code SHEET20

Last Modified: February 3rd, 2020

StandOut Stickers Sponsors the 4th Annual Kids Film It Festival

StandOut Stickers is proud to sponsor stickers for the upcoming 4th Annual Kids Film It Festival. This festival of short films, music videos and animation by young directors across the world will be held February 21, 2020 at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.

Big Dreams. Small Directors. 4th Annual Kids Film It Festival

100% of the proceeds from this event go to the Michael J Fox’s Team Fox for Parkinson’s Research. The previous festival had 150 total submissions and raised almost $65,000.

Team Fox for Parkinson's Research

Learn more About the Kids Film It Festival on their website.

Last Modified: January 31st, 2020

G7 Master Facility

We are pleased to announce that StandOut Stickers has been awarded G7 Master Facility status by the granting body Idealliance.

G7 Master Facility Grayscale Badge

Idealliance awards G7 Master status only to custom printing shops that have displayed the ability to produce, match and replicate color within tight margins. Idealliance is the world’s foremost certifying body for the graphic communications industry by defining production workflows for a wide variety of color printing methods.

We have sought G7 certification to confirm our commitment to accurate sticker printing with our customers. You can rest assured that our entire production flow has been verified and is annually calibrated by professionals to produce industry standard color within very fine margins. From the artwork you send us, to the proofs we send back, to the final printed stickers, you will experience accurate and vibrant color printing with unsurpassed clarity and resolution from our top of the line printers and production flow.

Read more about our G7 Master Facility Status on our About StandOut Stickers page.

G7 Master Facility Grayscale Certificate for StandOut Stickers

Last Modified: January 30th, 2020

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